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Dr. Shane


Meet the man behind the blog!


Dr. Shane is our Doctor's Orders founder and content creator. You can thank him for the witty humor and awesome health and DPC info every month!

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CoronaVirus Education

Doctor's Orders

We wanted to give you the latest information we have on the COVID-19 "Corona" virus. Here is what we know so far and some tips for you:

- There is now person to person spread in China, South Korea, Japan, Italy, Iran, and the West Coast of the United States. - CDC recommendations are, to be prepared for more cases here in the United States and most likely at least some community spread (meaning people are not sure where their sickness originated from). - This is a common cold virus that is a new strain that can be more deadly than the common cold causing more breathing and lung issues. - Almost all cases confirmed in the US are in returning travelers, but cases of community spread have been encountered on the West Coast of the US (reported 2/20/2020).  - There have been NO cases confirmed in South Carolina.

- Suspected incubation period (the time before infection and symptoms): 2-14 days (average 5 days). - Spread person to person by respiratory secretions and infected surfaces/objects. - Symptoms related to upper and lower respiratory tract infection including severe pneumonia in some. - Current data suggests that MOST people would be expected to fully recover. - Those at risk for poor outcomes include those with chronic medical conditions, older age (>70), and other immune compromising conditions.

TIPS: If you have a cough, trouble breathing, and a fever with recent travel to China, South Korea, Japan, Italy, and Iran or you have been exposed to someone from these areas, you need to be checked out BUT NOT AT OUR OFFICE. WE RECOMMEND A PHONE CALL VISIT TO BEST ASSESS YOUR NEEDS. FACE MASKS do not help for non-sick folks; ONLY those that are sick and coughing should use a mask. Keep your hands OFF your face. WASH your hands with soap and water frequently.

Sneeze or cough into your ELBOW, not your hands. AVOID people with cough and fever when possible.

DO NOT PANIC!! We are here to help. Remember FLU is still rampant and making people sick too.

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