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Dr. Shane


Meet the man behind the blog!


Dr. Shane is our Doctor's Orders founder and content creator. You can thank him for the witty humor and awesome health and DPC info every month!

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Doctor's Orders

Weekly (Coronavirus) COVID-19 Update 03/25/2020

The most important things we want you to know are:

  • Until further notice, we will be doing phone and video visits (you can always text or email like normal).

  • Our office remains staffed for prescription pick up with new procedures outlined below.

  • We still DO NOT have the capability to test for COVID-19 in our office.

  • If you are over 65 with a medical condition and get sick, contact us so your doctor can discuss your COVID-19 testing options.

  • Otherwise, testing options in our community are very limited, we will help direct you to the appropriate location should you need testing.

There are 342 COVID-19 cases in South Carolina, 16 cases in Anderson County with no deaths to report in our area at this time.


Temporary Prescription Pick Up Procedure

At this time, for our patient's and staff's safety, our door will remain locked, but our staff will still be working normal office hours to address ongoing needs and prescription refills.

Once you have been informed your refill is ready via text we ask that you do the following:

  • When you are in the parking lot, please CALL US at 864-965-9150. *PLEASE STAY IN YOUR VEHICLE*

  • We will place your medications or prescription outside on the designated table.

  • Once your medication or prescription is on the table you may pick it up being mindful of social distancing so that there is only one person at the table at time.

  • Check that all meds are correct and have your name on them.

These precautions are for your safety and to limit the spread of



Video Visits

Starting tomorrow we are experimenting with video visits for patients that would like to have a face to face interaction with their doctor.

Once you and your doctor have decided on a video visit, your doctor can send you an email invite. Access your email on your phone, laptop, or tablet, and click the link provided. It sends your doctor a notification that you are ready, then you accept the permissions for camera, etc, then we should be on video call.

This video call is logged in your chart, but not recorded. 

It works on Safari for Mac and Safari for iOS. The only major browser we don't support right now is Chrome for iOS, but there's nothing we can do there (Apple's fault).Chrome for Android works fine (unless it's some ancient version)


As social distancing continues, many of us are experiencing loneliness, depression, and/or anxiety. We miss interacting with our patients!

Please know that you are not alone, even if physically isolated temporarily, it is important to acknowledge your feelings and appreciate that they are a normal response to a new and difficult reality.  


"President Trump said chloroquine is a "game changer" for this virus. Can I get a prescription?"

We are all hopeful that there will be effective treatment, and prevention, soon, but we’re not there yet. Hydroxycholoroquine (aka Plaquenil) and chloroquine are drugs used to treat malaria.

There are many studies in progress to investigate the safety and efficacy of these drugs in COVID-19, and lots of hypotheses, but nothing conclusive. And, these drugs do have potential side effects and drug-drug interactions. 

Sadly, much in the way that toilet paper and N95 masks have become difficult to come by, so has Plaquenil. Many patients with autoimmune disorders (lupus and rheumatoid arthritis) rely on these medications and are now having trouble getting their routine prescriptions filled.

We have reviewed the data and it is not convincing to us as this time, but we will continue to research and provide you with the most appropriate and up to date available treatment.


"I heard I shouldn't take ibuprofen, is that true?"

There were some reports that ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatory drugs could worsen COVID-19, but these were walked back due to lack of evidence to support the recommendation.  

If you are already taking an NSAID, it is not recommended that you stop it. If you have a new ache or pain, it is reasonable to try acetaminophen (Tylenol) first, if you don’t have a contraindication.


"Is it ok to donate blood now?"

YES! In fact, this is a great way to help out but I ask that you only consider it if you are not in one of the high risk categories (60 years old or older, or any age with heart disease, diabetes, or lung disease).


Please get information only from reliable sources!

We continue to see a lot of really misleading and factually incorrect information circulating. Please fact check before believing what you read or sharing/forwarding to others unless it comes from a reliable source.


We feel fortunate to be able to serve you during this difficult situation, and always.

We love our community and worry about the financial hardships our small businesses and their employees will undoubtedly face. If you are in such a position to be able to do so, we encourage you to support local businesses as much as possible. 

  • shop at local businesses online

  • order food delivery from restaurants a few times a week and tip generously (pay online or over the phone; have food left outside, wipe everything off before bringing in the house, and transfer food to your own plates to minimize risk)

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1 Comment

Addison Archer
Addison Archer
Sep 23, 2022

Good poost

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