August 2020 COVID-19 Update
- For the safety of our staff and patients, we are still seeing a LIMITED number of NON-sick patients in the office.
- Our primary form of visits will continue to be over the PHONE or via video chat.
- We encourage you to continue social distancing, hand washing, surface cleaning, and wearing a mask.
- Please see this detailed handout for FAQ'S about COVID-19
New Normal: Until Further Notice
Continuing Phone Care:
Telephone medicine has been very popular and well received by our patients. We will continue to provide the majority of our patient care via text/phone/email if that is determined to be the best plan of care for you.
In Office Visits:
When your doctor recommends an in person visit, we will have one doctor on each hallway each seeing ONE patient at a time to limit exposure. There will be time blocked between each visit to sanitize and prepare for the next patient.
Patient Guidelines for In Office Visits:
- Stay in your vehicle and call us from the parking lot.
- Answer screening questions over the phone.
- Temperature will be checked at the front door.
- You will be taken directly to the exam room.
- A mask must be worn the entire visit (we will provide one if needed).
- Only one patient at a time in the exam room, if anyone brings you to the appointment they will stay in the parking lot.
For everyone's safety, staff will wear masks and social distance as able.
Physician Rotation Schedule
Dr. Shane Dr. Jones (afternoon only)
Dr. Amy Dr. Straughn
Dr. Shane Dr. Jones
Dr. Amy Dr. Straughn (morning only)
Phone visits and work in appointments. Please Note:
When doctors are not in the office they are working from home conducting phone visits.
COVID-19 Tests
If you feel sick, have been exposed to an individual who is positive for COVID-19 please self isolate for 10 days and be sure to speak directly with your doctor to determine if testing is right for you.
If your doctor recommends you need to be tested for COVID-19, we have local resources available. This test must be ordered by your doctor. When being tested, you will remain in your car and we will notify when your results are back.