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Dr. Shane


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Dr. Shane is our Doctor's Orders founder and content creator. You can thank him for the witty humor and awesome health and DPC info every month!

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(Coronavirus) COVID-19 Latest Information 03/18/2020

Doctor's Orders

The most important things we want you to know are:

- There have been 47 confirmed COVID-19 cases in South Carolina, 2 in Anderson, SC

- We are saddened by the first reported death in our state from this terrible virus

- We want to encourage you to:

  • Please stay home

  • Continue to wash your hands regularly with soap and water for 20 seconds

  • Distance yourself 6 feet from others if you go out in public

  • Clean/sanitize surfaces frequently

  • Avoid anyone at high risk, but check on them via phone/video chat to see if they need food or supplies

- It is also recommended to not gather in groups of 10 people or more


How can I protect myself and my family from coronavirus (COVID-19)?

The CDC and SC DHEC have valuable information on how you and your loved ones can best protect yourselves. Steps you can take to prevent the spread of COVID-19:


Who is at higher risk?

Some people are at higher risk of getting very sick from this illness. This includes: 

  • Older adults (60+)

  • People who have serious chronic medical conditions like:

    • Heart disease

    • Diabetes

    • Lung disease

    • Kidney disease


Can I get tested for COVID-19?

We WILL NOT test in our office, and tests are limited in our area. Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing is currently ONLY available for patients with fever & shortness of breath (usually requiring oxygen) that are sent to the ER, then ER will determine if there is need for testing. If you are having symptoms or concerns contact your doctor, then DHEC will work with your doctor to determine if testing is needed. There is no testing that will identify the illness before someone experiences symptoms. You should not get tested if you are not ill.


What if I have symptoms?

If you develop symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough or shortness of breath) and may have been exposed to someone with the illness, please call/text your doctor. Contacting us ahead of time will make sure you get the care you need without putting others at risk. 



Patients 60 and over as well as patients of any age with severe chronic medical problems are at the highest risk for severe cases and death from this new Coronavirus.

Our Direct Access MD physicians recommend that if you are a high risk patient you refrain from coming into our office for regular and follow up visits.  We also recommend to stay home as much as possible, limit contact with others, and practice social distancing of 6 feet if you do have to go out.


How to Self-Quarantine

Self - Quarantine is for ANYONE with respiratory symptoms such as cough, fever, and shortness of breath.

If you experience any respiratory symptoms contact your doctor and prepare to stay at home and distance yourself from others for 14 days.

  • Stay home except to get medical care

  • Separate yourself from other people in your home

  • Wear a face mask if available 

  • Avoid sharing household items

  • Clean high touch surfaces daily

What to Do if You are Sick - please reference this link from the CDC to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.


Returning to Work/Daily Activities Recommendations

People with possible COVID-19 who have self-quarantined can stop home isolation and will receive a return to work note under the following conditions:

  • You have had no fever for at least 72 hours (that is three full days of no fever without the use medicine that reduces fevers) AND

  • other symptoms have resolved (for example, when your cough or shortness of breath are better) AND

  • at least 7 days have passed since your symptoms first appeared

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Oct 07, 2021

This is a great post thankss

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